SOLACI / CACI 2021 Congress Metrics
AnÃbal Damonte
Revista Argentina de Cardioangiología Intervencionista 2021;(4): 0210-0210 | Doi: 10.30567/RACI/20214/0210-0210
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Dear Friends and colleagues,
I wish to thank the Argentine Journal of Interventional Cardioangiology (RACI) Editorial Board for letting me share with you the results, in numbers, of the 26th Congress of the Latin American Society of Interventional Cardiology (SOLACI) and the fully virtual 31st Congress of the Argentine College of Interventional Cardioangiologists (CACI) held from August 2 through August 6 of the present year.
A total of 5373 people signed up in our congress including doctors, technicians, and nurses, industry personnel, and medical students not only from Latin America but from all over the world.
The stunning program designed by the Scientific Committee received 23 749 accesses to the different sessions that took place in 2 virtual classes. At the same time, we should not forget the 2600 plus visits reported to the scientific abstracts presented in electronic poster format.
The joined scientific sessions held with international societies like TCT, EuroPCR, SCAI, CRT, the Andreas Gruentzig Society, and CBS (China) were distributed along the 5 days of the congress. They were a total success thanks to the presence of 400 to 750 attendees per session.
Over 1750 people attended the sessions of the pediatric scientific program developed from August 4 through August 5 at the Andreas Gruentzig venue. The attendees had a long list of topics to discuss including fetal and neonatal interventions, and hybrid procedures in congenital heart diseases. Also, we should mention the sessions dedicated to the oral presentation of scientific paper abstracts. The joined PICS@SOLACI session held Wednesday August 3 was particularly successful as it proving to the world the importance of pediatric interventional cardiology in Latin America.
SOLACI scientific sessions on Technicians, Nurses, and Medical Technologists were held in August (Monday 2nd, and Friday 6th) at the Andreas Gruentzig venue. Over 2300 people attended, which shows how interesting the program proposed really was. There is no doubt that this will contribute to the growth of this specialty in Latin America.
As part of the SOLACI-CACI Congress of 2021, the 11th ProEducar-SOLACI Fellows Course 2021 was held. The traditional activity of SOLACI is to widen knowledge and provide teaching and pedagogical tools to all interventional cardiology trainees in Latin America. The success of the course was confirmed by the almost 1500 attendees.
The session held by the MIL Group (SOLACI Latin American Female Interventional Cardiologists) focused on the role played by genre in interventional cardiology. It discussed data on working opportunities in our continent to promote female talent within our specialty. Almost 400 people attended this session.
During our congress, the 1st edition of the ICI@SOLACI-CACI session was held. It focused on innovations in interventional cardiology and endovascular medicine. Also, the session dedicated to SOLACI Research (the recently created SOLACI research area). Both were held on August 6th. Over 200 people attended each session. We should mention the importance of innovation, innovators, and research for our specialty in particular, and society in general.
Finally, during the five days of the congress, industry presentations were held at the Main Arena and at the Andreas Gruentzig venue. Numerous people attended, which again showed how attractive and important the topics of discussion proposed really were.
The SOLACI-CACI 2021 Congress was held, for the very first time, in virtual format within the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. We were able to interact almost the same way we do in face-to-face congresses. A congress that is still the most important one for interventional cardiologists, technicians, and nurses in our region.
Finally, I wish to thank all those who contributed to the success of the congress as the metrics and numbers shared with you in this editorial undoubtedly prove.
Aníbal Damonte
SOLACI/CACI 2021 Organizing Committee President
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SOLACI / CACI 2021 Congress Metrics
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Revista Argentina de Cardioangiología intervencionista
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Colegio Argentino de Cardioangiólogos Intervencionistas
Viamonte 2146 6° (C1056ABH) Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires | Argentina | tel./fax +54 11 4952-2117 / 4953-7310 |e-mail revista@caci.org.ar | www.caci.org.ar
Revista Argentina de Cardioangiología Intervencionista | ISSN 2250-7531 | ISSN digital 2313-9307
La plataforma Meducatium es un proyecto editorial de Publicaciones Latinoamericanas S.R.L.
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