


SOLACI Congress 2024

Dr. PhD. Carlos Fernández Pereira

Revista Argentina de Cardioangiologí­a Intervencionista 2024;(2): 0047-0048 | Doi: 10.30567/RACI/20242/0047-0048

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As we navigate through the dynamic landscape of the multiple possibilities Internet has to offer on cardiovascular medicine, the importance of collaborative initiatives such as the Latin American Society of Interventional Cardiology Congress cannot be underestimated.

This annual meeting, scheduled for August 7-9, 2024, once again at the prestigious Hilton Hotel, constitutes the promise of an unparalleled forum for discussing ideas, showcasing the latest advancements, and fostering professional growth among Latin American interventional cardiologists, featuring leading experts from the United States and Europe.

The 2024 edition of this renowned congress marks an important milestone. After years of virtual interaction and hybrid meetings, our return to a predominantly in-person format comes with a renewed sense of connection and camaraderie. The Congress venue, with its state-of-the-art facilities, will provide a conducive environment for the meaningful discussions, hands-on workshops, and face-to-face networking that many of us have greatly missed.

This year, the Congress will feature a wide variety of scientific sessions, live case demonstrations, and interactive workshops.

We are focused on the educational role of these sessions, where the participation from fellows and junior physicians is significant and the discussion fosters learning not only for those at the early steps of their career, but also for the experienced professionals who discover new alternatives to our procedures.

One of the highlights will be the focus on transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI), one of the main areas of our practice, in patients with different risk profiles. The topic is particularly relevant given the increasing prevalence of aortic stenosis in our region’s aging population.

Discussions will emphasize the importance of patient selection, procedural planning, and post-procedural care, providing valuable insights for professionals.

Another central topic will be the role of Interventional Cardiology in the treatment of complex coronary artery disease. Presentations will feature the latest advancements in imaging techniques, such as intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) and optical coherence tomography (OCT), which have revolutionized our approach to lesion assessment and stent implantation optimization. Practical presentations will highlight the use of these imaging techniques to guide procedures as well as in long-term stent assessment.

Integrating these technologies into our routine practice promises to improve patient outcomes and reduce the incidence of complications.

The significant development of peripheral angioplasty, even in cases of infrapopliteal disease, will be substantially showcased through the participation of renowned colleagues who have dedicated their careers exclusively to peripheral angioplasty. They will also present the various devices developed for this procedure.

The Congress will also address the growing interest in structural heart interventions beyond TAVI. Sessions on mitral and tricuspid valve interventions, left atrial appendage occlusion, and patent foramen ovale closure interventions will bring to attention the expanding horizons of our field. The exchange of experiences and techniques among experts from diverse backgrounds will enrich the learning experience for all attendees.

A standout aspect of this edition of our Congress will be an emphasis on the intersection between Interventional Cardiology and Clinical Cardiology. Discussions on the impact of cardiovascular diseases in Latin America, disparities in access to healthcare, and strategies to improve patient care delivery will call for reflection. These conversations are crucial as we strive to bridge the gap between cutting-edge technology and equitable healthcare delivery.

The in-person format of the Congress will facilitate deeper engagement and interaction among attendees. Venue facilities will accommodate dynamic presentations and hands-on workshops, enhancing the educational experience. The chance to do some networking, exchange ideas, and build professional relationships face to face will be invaluable.

I am particularly proud to note that, this year, our Journal of Interventional Cardiology has received 99 abstracts from Congress participants, and the Congress will feature 132 clinical cases. This overwhelming response mirrors the vibrant academic and research activities within our community, underscoring the importance of our journal, RACI, as a platform for showcasing innovative research and clinical knowledge. We hope that many of these abstracts will become original articles submitted after the Congress, further enriching the body of knowledge in our field.

As a member of the Scientific Committee, I express my gratitude to Dr. Carla Agatiello and Dr Diego Grinfeld as well as to Dr Juan Fernandez and Dr.Alfredo Bravo from CACI and my fellow Committee members for their tireless efforts in making this medical event a reality. Their dedication and hard work have been instrumental in ensuring the success of this Congress.

As we look forward to SOLACI Congress 2024, it is clear that our field is at the forefront of medical innovation. The dedication and passion of our colleagues continue to drive progress, improving patient care and inspiring the next generation of interventional cardiologists.

Finally, I want to express my utmost gratitude to the organizers, speakers, and attendees who will make this Congress a resounding success. Let us carry forward the knowledge and ideas gained there and continue working together for a healthier future for our patients.

Dr. PhD. Carlos Fernández Pereira FACC, FESC, FSCAI
Editor-in-chief Revista Argentina de Cardioangiología Intervencionista (RACI)

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Dr. PhD. Carlos Fernández Pereira
Editor-in-chief Revista Argentina de Cardioangiología Intervencionista (RACI).

Autor correspondencia

Dr. PhD. Carlos Fernández Pereira
Editor-in-chief Revista Argentina de Cardioangiología Intervencionista (RACI).

Correo electrónico: revista@caci.org.ar

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SOLACI Congress 2024

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Revista Argentina de Cardioangiología intervencionista, Volumen Año 2024 2

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Revista Argentina de Cardioangiología intervencionista
Issue # 2 | Volumen 14 | Año 2024

SOLACI Congress 2024

Dr. PhD. Carlos Fernández Pereira

Revista Argentina de Cardioangiología intervencionista

Colegio Argentino de Cardioangiólogos Intervencionistas

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© Colegio Argentino de Cardioangiólogos Intervencionistas

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Colegio Argentino de Cardioangiólogos Intervencionistas
Viamonte 2146 6° (C1056ABH) Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires | Argentina | tel./fax +54 11 4952-2117 / 4953-7310 |e-mail revista@caci.org.ar | www.caci.org.ar

Revista Argentina de Cardioangiologí­a Intervencionista | ISSN 2250-7531 | ISSN digital 2313-9307

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